I am one of the people who buys more books than he can read, starts more online courses that he can finish and has more app ideas then available hands can create :)

I always have a new idea which I have to tell my friends and they are always nice to listen to my crazy (stupid?) ideas :)

Sometimes you get inspiration in strange places. This time it was while watching The Internship in which Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson lose their jobs and decide that it would be awesome to go to Google and become interns there.

While they were there that were assigned a group and given the task to create an app. After some time they came up with an app that will test if you are drunk. If yes you won't be able to do things with your phone which can potentially be embarrassing.

That's where I got the idea for Too Drunk to text. It does exactly what it says. If you don't pass the test you won't be able to send a text message, email, twitter or facebook post. The questions are quite simple, from simple calculations and captcha entries to recognizing your contacts and some shapes.

It's not an app that will change the world but it might prevent you from doing some stupid thing that you will regret the day after :)

All feedback can be sent to ivan.karacic@live.com